Create a clear and concise business strategy for migration to the Cloud
Envision the strategy by defining and documenting your motivations to moving to the cloud while engaging the Stakeholders.
Critical Business Events such as end of support for mission-critical technologies
Migration triggers such as cost-saving and operations optimization
Innovation triggers such as scaling to meet market or geographical demands
Justify business outcomes by developing a business case to validate the financial model. Choose your first cloud adoption project to help you align your motivations with technical effort.
Convert the aspirational goals of the cloud adoption strategy into actions. Guide technical efforts, in alignment with the business strategy. Implementing Cloud adoption plan requires some initial alignment of different stakeholders who will make the plan a reality.
Create a balance between speed or moving quickly and control or reducing risks by having teams accountable for adoption and governance.
Document your business Strategy to help team members understand the cloud adoption outcomes
Convert your cloud adoption strategy into an actionable Plan.